Alejandro Presents Oral Presentation at 64th ASH Conference

The 64th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition was hosted last month, December 10-13th in New Orleans, Louisiana. The American Society of Hematology’s (ASH) mission is to further the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
of blood and bone marrow disorders by promoting
research, clinical care, education, training and advocacy in
hematology. The Society host the annual meeting to facilitate the exchange of scientific information and clinical results related to the field of hematology.
Alejandro presented an oral presentation at the 64th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition and was the honored recipient of the merit-based Abstract Achievement Award for his work on A Dynamic Personalized Human 3D Organoid for the Study of the Tumor Microenvironment and Metabolism in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Using Patient-Derived Xenografts. Each year, the American Society of Hematology offers merit-based Abstract Achievement Awards to select individuals to acknowledge the accomplishments of hematologists-in-training. His oral presentation was presented on Sunday December 11th during Session: 803. Emerging Tools, Techniques and Artificial Intelligence in Hematology: New Molecular Tools for Precision Diagnostics in Hematology. We are very proud of Alejandro’s work which you can learn more about here.